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Waterworks Information

As a requirement of the Government of Saskatchewan, all municipalities are required to make available for public viewing its waterworks provisions.

The purpose of this information is to help water consumers understand the financial situation of their municipal waterworks and the need for municipalities to work towards waterworks rates that cover costs, including capital costs.

The objective of the waterworks (water utility) capital investment strategy is to ensure existing water distribution systems are maintained or replaced and new systems are added, when appropriate, to provide safe drinking water to the users of the Lloydminster water utility.

A comprehensive financial forecast specifically designed for all utilities is being developed to support Council’s decision-making. Specifically, the forecast will support the City to maximize available federal and provincial grants, leverage debt strategically, optimize investments, and minimize the impact on rate payers.

A 10-Year Capital Plan is currently presented and approved in principle by Council on an annual basis. The intention of this 10-Year Capital Plan is to align with the City of Lloydminster’s self-sustaining utility model and disclose upcoming potential infrastructure requirements. Further to this, asset management plans are currently under development which will support the City in managing the investment and life cycle of all related assets. 

  •  Water Supply Agreement – City of Lloydminster and Alberta Central East Water Corporation
  •  Potable Water Sales Agreement – City of Lloydminster and Saskatchewan Water Corporation

    The above documents are available for viewing by appointment only with the Senior Manager, Finance during regular business hours at:
    City Hall
    4420 - 50 Avenue
    Lloydminster, AB/SK

Contact Us

City of Lloydminster
4420 50 Avenue, Lloydminster
AB/SK, T9V 0W2
Phone: 780-875-6184
Fax: 780-871-8345

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