- Income support program provides individuals and families with financial assistance to pay for basic expenses like food, clothing and shelter
- Provides other financial support through programs such as Alberta Health Benefit, Alberta Seniors Benefit, Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD), and Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FCSD)
- Must meet financial eligibility to qualify for the program
- For income support recipients experiencing an emergency, contact Emergency Financial Assistance at 1-866-644-5135
Lloyd Supports: A Community Services Directory
The City of Lloydminster’s Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) department’s mandate is to connect residents and area visitors with the social services resources within the community and regional area. As part of this initiative, the Social Services Roadmap was launched in 2014 as a comprehensive guide to local resources. In 2019, the guide was rebranded with the title Lloyd Supports: A Community Services Directory, to be more inclusive and accessible.
This directory was made with the help of our local community partners. We would like to thank all the incredible service providers who share their time and talents to support residents and make Lloydminster a great place to live.
We have now received the copies of our 2023-2025 Lloyd Supports: A Community Services Directory booklets.
Income Inequality
Financial Assistance or Income Support
Assured Income for the Severly Handicapped (AISH)
- Financial and health benefits for eligible Albertans with a permanent medical condition that prevents them from earning a living
- Applicant needs to meet the financial eligibility criteria to access this program
Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID)
- Income support program for people with significant and enduring disabilities
- SAID focuses on supporting the daily living and disability-related needs of individuals, with additional benefits provided based on needs
Saskatchewan Ministry of Social Services
- Community Living Service Delivery (CLSD) for individuals with cognitive disabilities who have significant behavioural and developmental challenges
- Saskatchewan Employment Supplement for individuals and families with low income to receive a monthly payment that supplements income from a job, farming, self-employment, or from child or spousal support
- Saskatchewan Income Support is a financial assistance program to help individuals and families meet their basic needs
- Other financial assistance programs such as child care subsidies, family health benefits, financial help for home care, Saskatchewan housing benefit and seniors income plan
- Passport application
- Social Insurance Number (SIN) application
- Record of Employment (online)
- Job postings (online)
- Families and Children benefits:
- Canada Pension Plan Children’s Benefit
- Canada Pension Plan Death Benefit
- Canada Pension Plan Survivor’s Benefit
- Employment Insurance Compassionate Care Benefits:
- Employment Insurance Family Supplement
- Employment Insurance Maternity and Paternity Leave
- Employment Insurance Special Benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children
- Seniors programs:
- Allowance program
- Allowance for the Survivor program
- Canada Pension Plan Retirement Pension
- Canadian Government Annuities
- International Benefits
- Old Age Security
- Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits
- Veterans Affairs Canada
- Employment programs:
- Apprenticeship grants
- Labour market information (online)
- Canada summer jobs (youth and students)
- Employment Insurance Fishing Benefits
- Employment Insurance Regular Benefits
- Employment Insurance Sickness Benefits
- Employment Insurance and Workers and/or Residents Outside Canada
Food Resources
- Weekly food support offered for individuals and families in need
- Seniors Lunches offered on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month
- Good Food Box comprised of fruits and vegetables at a reduced rate. Pickup is on the 4th Thursday of every month at the Lloydminster Native Friendship Centre office. Call a week before pickup date to place an order.
- Collective Kitchen is a program where a group of people meet to plan, shop, and prepare several meals to take home to their families. Some fees may apply.
- Promotes and educates on healthy eating.
- Provides food hampers to individuals and families in need
- Facilitates Anger Management Program for youths and students. Red Cap for youths ages 8 to 12 years old and T.A.S.K for high school students
- Facilitates English Conversation for newcomers
- Volunteer opportunities available at the food bank
St. Anthony’s Roman Catholic Church
- Provides food hamper to individuals and families in need
St. John’s Minster Anglican Church
- Provides free community soup lunch every Tues and Thurs from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm (Sept to May)
- Local charity that is focused on food security
- Food Bank provides hamper to individuals and families and bulk food to other non-profit groups
- Programs include Free Community Meals, Seniors Luncheon, Mom’s Group Program, Men’s Coffee and Ladies Tea. Check the Food Calendar for more information.
- Community connection and support services provided by a dedicated team of outreach workers to assist and engage with the community, foster meaningful connections and offer valuable support
Literacy and Employment
Career Services Ministry of Immigration and
Career Training
- Career and employment services to Saskatchewan residents.
- Training and/or education options that enable participation in the provincial labour market.
- Matches worker skills with employment opportunities.
- Resources on career and job opportunities.
- Preschool francophone education for children three to five years old, for two to five halfdays per week.
- Francophone education from Kindergarten to Grade 12, according to Alberta curriculum.
- Le programme de prématernelle s’adresse aux enfants admissibles à l’éducation francophone de trois à cinq ans à raison de deux à cinq demi-journées par semaine.
- L’école offre un programme scolaire de la maternelle à la 12e année en français langue première conformément aux exigences du ministère de l’Éducation de l’Alberta.
2602 59 Ave, Lloydminster, AB T9V 3N7
- Post-secondary education, university transfer courses and community education programs.
- Academic advising, financial aid, student employment and student support.
- Athletic programs, social clubs, wellness, and student services.
- Residence and healthcare facilities.
Lloydminster Catholic School Division
- Administrative office for the Lloydminster Catholic School Division.
- Programs for students from pre-kindergarten to Grade 12.
Lloydminster Learning Council Association
- English Language Learning (ELL) for newcomers ages 18 and above.
- Technology classes such as Microsoft series, google series, excel series, QuickBooks, and other tech programs.
- Family Literacy Program for families with children ages 6 and under.
- Senior’s program includes tech tutoring.
- Indigenous programs for sharing culture and joy through reading for families with children ages 6 and under.
- Lends online and print materials such as books, newspapers, and magazines.
- Provides photocopying, printing, and laminating services:
- $0.10 for a single sided black-and-white page.
- $0.50 for a single sided coloured page.
- $1.25 for 8.5 x 11 paper for laminating.
- Free computer and internet use (Wi-Fi).
- Provides space for proctoring and invigilation exams.
- Bookable spaces to accommodate meetings or study space.
- Makerspace and Storytime for children.
Lloydminster Public School Division
- Administrative office for the Lloydminster Public School Division.
- Programs for students from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12.
Thrift or Second-hand Stores
Lloydminster Interval Home Society – For the Interval Store
- A community donation depot and second-hand store supporting the Lloydminster Interval Home Society.
- Accepts donations 7 days a week of gently used items of all kinds, with exceptions of car seats, helmets, cribs, etc.
- For the Interval Store also does pickups of larger furniture items in Lloydminster by request.
- Provides community members in need of personal care items, household items, clothing and outwear.
- Second location of The Olive Tree Thrift Store supporting the charitable programs of The Olive Tree.
- Provides families and individuals in need with furniture and other home items.
- Community donation deport for used furniture, building supplies, outdoor items, appliances, vintage, and antique items and more.
- In-demand donations are bedroom furniture, living room furniture, washers & dryers and bikes.
- A community donation depot and second-hand store that supports the charitable programs of The Olive Tree.
- Accept donations of all kinds, with exceptions of car seats, helmets, and cribs for safety reasons.
- In-demand donations include clothing of all sizes, winter gear, and a high need for men’s clothing and shoes.
Housing and Homelessness
Affordable Housing
Carleton Housing (Lloydminster) Inc.
- Provides housing to low to moderate income Indigenous persons and families.
- Must have a treaty number to qualify.
Lloydminster Housing Authority (SK)
4510 49 Ave, Lloydminster, SK S9V 1G4
- Affordable rental housing in Saskatchewan for seniors (55+) and families.
Lloydminster Métis Housing Group (AB/SK)
- Affordable rental housing in Lloydminster for seniors (55+) and families.
- Homelessness transition units available.
Lloydminster Region Housing Group (AB)
- Low-income rental housing located in Alberta for families and seniors (65+).
- Rent Assistance benefit Program provides subsidy to help Albertans afford rent.
Lloydminster Interval Home Society – Emergency Shelter (Women)
- 24/7 crisis line to provide support to those in need.
- Emergency shelter offers safety and support for women and children experiencing family violence, homelessness, or other life crisis.
Lloydminster Social Action Coalition Society (Men’s Shelter)
- Operates the Lloydminster Men’s Shelter which provides 28 beds for men (18+) in need of temporary shelter.
- Provides outreach services to clients and non-clients, including ID recovery, food and shower.
- Operates the Gibney House, an affordable co-living environment.
- Operates Homes for All, connecting people with housing options in the community.
Border City Connects - Border City Express
- Provides transportation to community members that have intellectual and physical challenges.
- Wheelchair accessible units.
- Service area includes Lloydminster and a 25 km surrounding area.
- In-town flat rate for one way. Out-of-town per km rate.
- Seniors Taxi Program applicable.
Border City Connects - Care-A-Van Service
- Provides transportation for community members to out-of-town non-emergency medical appointments.
- Lloydminster and Vermilion: Out-of-town clients can leave from meeting point in Lloydminster.
- Fee based on a donation, and a process is available for community members with financial constraints.
- Must give as much notice as possible to secure volunteers. The trips are not on a set schedule.
- Provides fee-for-service transportation for public and private events with seating of up to 14 passengers.
- 3 vans available.
- Provides transportation for community members (65+).
- Eligibility depends on financial or physical barriers (poor sight or balance).
- Fee is $10 for 1.5 hours or reduced rate for eligible individuals. Volunteers will assist with attending appointments, etc.
- Assists seniors (65+) with transportation costs with local transportation providers.
- Vouchers are priced at $5 per one-way, nonstop transit within City of Lloydminster corporate limits.
- Vouchers can be used with the following transportation companies (subject to change):
- Border City Taxi (306-825-2000)
- Border City Connects Society (780-205-1666)
- Kings Cabs (306-307-1113)
- Lloyd Taxi (306-825-3333)
- Tarzan Taxi (780-872-3333)
- Viper Taxi (306-825-5558)
- Vouchers available for purchase at:
- Bioclean Aquatic Centre (2902 59 Ave)
- City Hall (4420 50 Ave)
- Legacy Centre (5101 46 St)
- Lloydminster Co-op Marketplace (3606 50 Ave)
- Lloydminster Hospital Gift Shop (3820 43 Ave)
- Lloydminster Museum + Archives (4207 44 St)
- Lloydminster Region Health Foundation (#116 4910 50 St)
- Servus Credit Union (5009 18 St)
- Servus Credit Union Atrium Branch (5012 49 St)
- Servus Sports Centre (5202 12 St)
- Shoppers Drug Mart Lloyd Mall (5211 44 St)
- Sobeys (4227 75 Ave)
- Synergy Credit Union (4908 42 St)
Access to Health and Social Services
Child, Youth and Family Services
- No-cost mentoring programs for young people between 6 to 18 years old.
- Programs help children build self-confidence, provide a sense of belonging and support positive mental health and well-being.
- Mentees (children) are referred by schools, parents or guardians and are considered on a case-by-case basis.
Catholic Social Services of Alberta – Child and Family Programs
6612 35 St, Lloydminster, AB T9V 3H1
- Foster Care Home Program provides home assessments to open foster care homes and provides support to foster parents.
- Supervised private visitation, fee-for-service applies.
- Programs include Family Supports for Children with Disabilities.
- No referral required for these public services.
Child and Family Services Central Region GOA
1-800-638-0715 (Crisis after-hours line)
Triumph Centre
3602 51 Ave, Lloydminster, AB T9V 3M7
- Child Intervention services to support and provide resources to protect children and youth from harmful situations.
- Provides information on adoption, child guardianship, foster care and kinship care.
Connecting Parents Supporting Families
Facebook @ConnectingParentsSupportingFamilies
- Networking and support group for parents with school-aged children.
- Education presentation on topics relevant to parenting.
Focus Society for Support Services (FOCUS)
- Assists families with children in need of protection or social services involvement.
- Offers programs such as Family and Children Support Services. Referral from Ministry of Saskatchewan Social Services is required.
- In-home support for families experiencing difficulties within the family unit.
- Accepts fee-for-service clients.
LGBTQ+ Society of Lloydminster
- Supports the LGBTQIA2Spirit in Lloydminster and surrounding area.
- Assists in locating health service and mental health providers specific to LGBTQIA2S+ and transgender needs.
- Offers education sessions and resources for local businesses and organizations promoting inclusive work environments and allyship in the workspace.
- Provides network of support for LGBTQIA2S+ individuals, youths, and families.
- Provides an inclusive and safe space for social gatherings and events.
Lloydminster Interval Home Society
- Facilitates community education sessions such as Self Empowerment for Women, Strength to Change Men’s Program and Teen Empowerment, etc.
- Volunteer opportunities within the organization. Contact through phone 780-808-5282 Ext. 2012, email volunteer@lloydintervalhome.com or visit the website to apply.
Lloydminster Interval Home Society – Lloydminster Community Youth Centre
780-871-4492 (Text line)
4201 47 Ave, Lloydminster, SK S9V 2C7
- Offers scheduled activities, volunteering and mentorship opportunities.
- Drop-in services include Hot Meal Program, concession, books, board games, sports, musical instruments, etc.
- Provides free access to Wi-Fi, computer, and homework help.
- Facilitates Youth Let’s Talk Program.
- Membership is free and is required to access transportation to and from the Centre, field trips and outings.
- Lloydminster Early Years Family Resource Centre (FRC) focuses on child development and well-being, caregiver capacity building, social connections and support.
- Early Childhood Intervention Program is a home-based service available to parents of children from birth to 6 years of age who are experiencing, or at risk for developmental delays.
- Parent-Child Assistance Program (PCAP) helps women to build and maintain healthy, independent family lives and prevent future births of children exposed to alcohol and drugs.
- Preschool Mental Health (PMH) supports families of children from birth to 6 years of age who are experiencing delays in the social-emotional development or have a mental health diagnosis.
- Indigenous Early Childhood Intervention Program (ECIP) and Family Support (ISC ECIP & ISC FS) is a home-based service available to parents and caregivers of children from birth to 18 years who are experiencing, or at risk for developmental delays.
- Home Visitation is a home-based program for families of children prenatal to 6 years of age. Promotes positive parent-child relationships, parenting knowledge and skills.
- Reach out to Midwest Family Connections for more information on child car seat safety.
Parents Empowering Parents (PEP) Society
- Provides free programs for families and caregivers who have a loved one struggling with substance use or addiction.
- Family Recovery Group facilitated by persons trained in addiction and recovery, trauma-informed care, and knowledge-based skills. Attendees will be provided with education and support in a nonjudgmental environment.
- Family support line available days/evenings/weekends managed by a person knowledgeable in addictions and recovery.
- Call the toll-free line if in need of a safe space to be heard.
- Free webinars offered. Pre-registration is required for new webinars. Recorded webinars are available for viewing at the website.
Saskatchewan Child and Family Services
Prairie North Plaza
Suite #113 4910 50 St, Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y5
- Child Intervention services to support and provide resources to protect children and youth from harmful situations.
- Provides information on adoption, child guardianship, foster care, and kinship care.
Disabilities and Health
Ability Development Services by Bea Fisher
- Provides transportation services for people with developmental disabilities who are currently in service.
- 24/7 residential care, fee-for-service may apply.
- Independent living support.
- Community access support.
- Employment services and support.
- Access to services:
- Individuals who qualify for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) in Alberta or Community Living Services Delivery (CLSD) in Saskatchewan can apply for services.
- Applications are available at Bea Fisher, or you can connect with your PDD or CLSD representative.
- Support for services will need to be approved by PDD, CLSD, or Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) for funding.
- If accessing Residential Care, individuals are responsible for paying for all living expense through their AISH or SAID benefits.
- Services and support for persons with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
- Information and referral.
- Supports groups to help people living with ALS, their families, and caregivers.
- Equipment Loan Program includes lending power mobility devices, assistive communication devices and other medical equipment.
- Supportive Visits.
- Services and support for persons living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
- Information and referral on resources.
- Support Groups to help people living with ALS, their families and caregivers.
- Equipment Loan Program includes mobility devices such as wheelchairs, walkers, hospital beds, commodes, lifts, and other medical equipment required by people with ALS.
- Home visits (referral required).
Early Childhood Psychology Program
Prairie North Plaza
Suite #101 4910 50 St, Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y5
- Offers a range of assessments for children, including behavioural, family, psychological, social/emotional and speech/language.
- Offers a range of therapeutic services, including behaviour management, family therapy, group therapy, individual therapy, and case management.
1-800-855-0155 (SaskTel Relay operator for deaf and hard of hearing)
- A confidential, 24-hour health information and support telephone line available to
- Saskatchewan residents, staffed by registered nurses, registered psychiatric nurses, and registered social workers.
- Offers professional health advice or mental health support.
- Information can be a variety of medical concerns, including but not limited to mental health, sexual health, physical concerns and advice for parents and caregivers.
- Services are offered in English, with translation in over 100 languages.
- 24/7 telephone line providing medical advice on a variety of issues and information from registered nurse.
- Provides information on topics such as mental health, sexual health, physical concerns and advice for parents and caregivers.
- Assists with finding health care such as immunization clinics, doctors, and health programs.
- Offers dementia advice to support the needs of persons with dementia and their caregivers.
- Services are available in multiple languages.
- Provides individual and family advocacy.
- Areas of support include inclusive education, inclusive community recreation/leisure activities, inclusive employment, and post-secondary studies.
- Supports to navigate systems and resources.
- Assistance provided to families seeking to hire staffing support, such as respite support.
Lloydminster and Area Brain Injury Society (LABIS)
- Offers programming, support, and resource-sharing for brain-injured persons and their families.
- Quality of Life Equipment Program provides financial assistance to those requiring support with the purchase of mobility equipment and safety devices.
- Provides support with filling out Canadian Pension Plan Disability (CPP-D) Application Support.
- Offers 1-on-1 Peer Support: Extended and One Call programs. The 1-on-1 Peer Support
- Program is a telephone and internet-based program for individuals living with MS and for loved ones of people with MS.
- MS Support Groups: A complete list of in-person and virtual support groups is available on the website.
- Equipment Funding Program and Assistive Technology Program. Must be a registered client of Muscle Dystrophy to qualify for financial support programs.
- Family and caregiver retreats provide an opportunity for social gatherings to foster friendship and a sense of community; access a range of complementary therapy services and information sessions, etc.
- Information, support, and education for over 150 neuromuscular disorders.
- Network Events and Webinars.
- Research Hotline provides information on new studies and treatment, new clinical trials, and answer disorder-specific questions, etc.
Parkinson Association of Alberta
- Educational information such as Educational 101 series includes Parkinson Disease (PD) or Parkinson’s Plus Syndrome 101, Care Partner 101, Advanced Care Planning, Deep
- Brain Stimulation (DBS)/Duodopa 101, Housing Transition and more.
- 1-on-1 support for individuals and their caregivers.
- Support groups are offered via Zoom and in-person, with advance registration required.
- Examples of support groups available include Newly Diagnosed, for Care Partners, Young Onset, General Parkinson’s and more.
- Provides strategies and skills to manage symptoms.
- Examples include cognitive programs, speech and voice, and physical programs to help those suffering from Parkinson's disease.
Prairie Central Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Association
780-385-3717 (General Inquiries)
587-386-0186 (Assessment and Diagnosis)
587-386-0133 (Prevention and Training)
- Provides awareness and prevention.
- Conducts assessment and diagnosis.
- Supports individuals and caregivers.
- Provides training and education.
Saskatchewan Health Authority – Autism Spectrum Disorder Management
Prairie North Plaza
Suite #101 4910 50 St, Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y5
- Programs for children on the spectrum, including occupational therapy and speech language therapy supports.
- Summer programs for school-aged children.
- Support for families.
Saskatchewan Health Authority – Chronic Disease Management
Prairie North Plaza
4910 50 St, Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y5
- Support for Stroke Rehabilitation and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
- Cardiac and Diabetes Education.
- Programs such as Strides and Live-well (peer-led groups).
- Exercise Therapy.
- Referral required for some services.
Saskatchewan Health Authority – Primary Health Services
Prairie North Plaza
Suite #101 4910 50 St
Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y5
- Child and adult immunizations, travel immunizations and consults.
- Education and prevention resources.
- Referrals to health care services.
- Prenatal and postnatal support.
- Lactation consultation.
- Communicable diseases include HIV, hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections and animal bites.
- Acquired Brain Injury Program.
Dementia Support
Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan
- Information and education sessions on Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Includes communication tips, coping strategies, and planning for the future.
- Connection to Alzheimer society, community programs, and support groups for persons with dementia and their families.
- Minds in Motion exercise and social program.
- Virtual programs available across the province. Accessible to all residents of Lloydminster.
Identification, Documentation or Healthcare Cards
3rd Floor
2130 11 Ave, Regina, SK S4P 0J5
- Saskatchewan Health cards registration.
- Provides several vital statistics services, including marriage licences, birth, death and marriage certificates and legal changes of name.
- Change of sex designation.
3001 50 Ave, Lloydminster, SK S9V 0N7
- Saskatchewan driver’s licence registration.
- Contact for more information on fees for service.
#2 1202 50 Ave, Lloydminster, AB T9V 0Y1
- Alberta health card registration.
- Alberta driver’s licence registration.
- Provides several vital statistics services, including marriage licences, birth, death and marriage certificates, and legal changes of name.
- Contact for more information on fees for service.
Immigrants, Newcomers and Refugees
Catholic Social Services of Alberta – Gateway for Newcomers
6612 35 St, Lloydminster, AB T9V 3H1
- Gateway for Newcomers program supports the needs of immigrants living and/or working in Lloydminster and surrounding communities.
- Settlement Worker in Schools (SWIS) offered to newcomer students and their families to help with integration into the school and community.
Lloydminster Local Immigration Partnership
6612 35 St, Lloydminster, AB T9V 3H1
- Supports for newcomers and immigrants to become fully engaged in the social, economic, political, and cultural life of Canada.
- Helps to connect to services for settlement and integration.
Indigenous Peoples
Border City Aboriginal Headstart Program
- Preschool classes for First Nations, Métis and Inuit children ages 3-5 years
First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line
- Offers 24/7 mental health counselling and crisis intervention to all Indigenous people across Canada.
- Experienced and culturally competent helpline counsellors can help if you are distressed, have strong emotional reactions, are triggered by painful memories, or want to talk.
- Call the toll-free line or use the chat box on the website to connect with a counsellor online.
- Service is multilingual – French, English, Cree, Ojibway and Inuktitut.
Lloydminster Native Friendship Centre
- Provides support and referrals to individuals who require assistance with community resources and services.
- Offers educational programming and employability assistance for those wanting to further their education and/or find employment.
- Supports families with children in applying to Jordan’s Principle program to receive services and support from Indigenous Service Canada.
Provincial Building
5124 50 St, Lloydminster, AB T9V 0M3
- This is a circuit court location only. For more information, please call the Vermilion Court of Justice at 780-853-8130.
- Continue to send all court documents to:
Alberta Residential Tenancies Act
- Support and information for landlords and tenants living in Alberta.
- Residential tenancy dispute resolution.
- Offers 30-minute appointments to receive free legal advice from a volunteer lawyer. Must meet financial criteria to access service.
- Appointments are throughout the month.
- Provides legal advice regarding landlord/tenant, wills/estates, employment, small claims/debt, criminal law, traffic/bylaws, family law, personal injury and immigration law.
Court and Justice Services (AB)
- Provides legal information and education such as support in preparing court forms, Parenting after Separation (PAS) course, Parenting After Separation for Families in High Conflict (PASHC) course.
- Resolves legal disputes related to Child Support Resolution Program, Children’s Services Mediation Program, Family Mediation, Support in resolving parenting disputes, restraining and protection orders and civil mediation.
- Navigate the court system, such as Alberta court locations, family court assistance, jury duty, courtroom etiquette and court procedures.
#400 10320 102 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5J 4A1
- Provides affordable legal services in family law, domestic violence, child welfare, immigration, youth and adult criminal defence.
- Must meet financial criteria.
- Full legal services are provided in adult and youth criminal matters and family law to financially eligible clients.
- Legal services include family law, domestic violence, child welfare, youth, and adult criminal defence.
Saskatchewan Residential Tenancies Act
- Provides information about the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants in Saskatchewan.
- Can make rulings and settle disputes between landlords and tenants.
Catholic Social Services – Seniors Services
6612 35 St, Lloydminster, AB T9V 3H1
- Senior Connections (65+) increases awareness of seniors’ needs and implements resources to fulfil them in their communities by way of presentations and referrals. Free program.
- Personal Enrichment Program (65+) provides support to participate in social activities, attend appointments, attend faith-based activities like Church or choir, and short-term hourly respite for caregivers. Fee-for-service program.
5101 46 St, Lloydminster, AB T9V 0C7
- Lloydminster Senior Citizens Society manages the Legacy Centre.
- Offers regularly scheduled activities for seniors (55+) such as exercises, line dancing, cards, choir, art group and more.
- Venue can be rented for different occasions. Must call the office to book and get specific details.
Saskatchewan Health Authority – Home Care
3830 43 Ave, Lloydminster, SK S9V 1Y3
- Meals on Wheels
- Meals made at Lloydminster Hospital. Delivered every Monday to Friday.
- For seniors and persons with disabilities. Must be a resident of Lloydminster.
- Adult Day Program
- Social and recreational activities for seniors and adults requiring assistance.
- Contact Home Care Office for eligibility and registration.
- Provides caregiver relief.
- Located at Lloydminster Continuing Care (7402 29 St).
- Program offered Monday-Friday. Daily fee includes food and refreshments.
- Up to 10 people per day.
- Case Management
- Case managers complete an assessment to assist in linking the right services.
- Homemaking
- Bath assistance, morning and evening care, surveillance checks and medication assistance. These are billed services.
- In-home respite (not 24-hours).
- Nursing Support
- In-home and in-facility support. Procedures and treatments as ordered by a physician.
- Education and assistance in helping to manage specific health care needs.
- Assistance in coordinating care with physicians and other health care professionals.
- Support and care to clients and their loved ones who are dealing with terminal illnesses.
- Wound management.
- Wellness Program
- Book foot care based on needs assessment.
- Wellness checks.
- Palliative Care Co-ordination
- This program provides active compassionate care that focuses on improving the quality of life for individuals who are facing a life-threatening disease.
- In-home, hospital or care facility.
- Skin and Wound Specialist
- Provides direction and guidance in advanced treatment.
View the PDF version of Child, Youth And Family Services View the PDF version of Dementia Support View the PDF version of Disabilities And Health View the PDF version of Identification, Documentation, Or Health Cards View the PDF version of Immigrants, Newcomers, And Refugees View the PDF version of Indigenous Peoples View the PDF version of Legal View the PDF version of Seniors
Mental Health Supports
Addiction and Mental Health Helpline (AB)
- 24-hour, 7 days a week confidential service that provides support, information and referrals to Albertans experiencing addiction and mental health concerns, including problem gambling.
- Provides information on meeting dates and location.
- Members of Al-Anon groups share their experience, strength and hope with each other in order to solve their common problems resulting from others’ struggle with alcoholism.
- Peer support for partners, children, parents, other relatives, and friends of persons living with alcohol use disorders.
Alcoholics Anonymous Lloydminster
- Provides information on meeting dates and location.
- Provides referrals to addiction specialists.
- Free, 24/7 helpline for families and people affected by gambling addictions.
- Confidential, professional counselling.
- Information and resources on gambling addictions.
- Crisis intervention services.
- Referrals to Regional Health Authority gambling counsellors and self-help groups.
- Provides support to individuals struggling with addictions and mental health issues.
- Post-treatment Family Sober Living is for mothers who have completed residential treatment. Mother must have care of her children, and all children must be under the age of 15 years.
- Family Treatment Program is for mothers who have young children at risk of apprehension. Mother must have care of her children, and all children must be under the age of 12 years.
Saskatchewan Health Authority – Harm Reduction Program
Prairie North Plaza
Suite #101 4910 50 St, Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y5
- Needle Exchange Program includes free pipes and other materials for safe consumption.
- Provides free condoms.
- Available resources on Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis C, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI), and harm reduction.
- HIV Peer-Mentor Program.
- Vending machine located on the north end of Prairie North Plaza, tokens available at the office.
- Provides referrals and support to health care.
- Provides strength, hope, and healing to those affected by addictions and related mental health challenges.
- Residential Addiction Treatment is a well-rounded approach to ensure individuals are on the path to recovery.
- A minimum of seven days of clean/sober time is required prior to admission into the Residential Treatment Program.
- Medically Supported Detox is a safe environment for those in the initial stages of recovery.
Mental Health
Catholic Social Services of Alberta
- Border Bridge Counselling provides subsidy to access private therapist support when clients cannot afford the full fee.
- Call intake for more information.
- Life Skills Program hosts 6 fully furnished bachelor suites with a shared kitchen and common area where clients take turns preparing evening meals and completing assigned duties to develop independent living skills.
- Supported Independent Living is a program to assist clients in their areas of need, further develop daily living skills, seek volunteering or employment opportunities, and work on individualized wellness goals.
- Community Outreach Program focuses on assisting clients to improve their overall quality of life, develop and maintain healthy coping strategies, and achieve their optimum level of wellness.
- Day Program offers a variety of educational, recreation and leisure activities for clients.
- Summer Recreation Program offers a diverse set of activities to improve client’s overall physical and mental well-being.
- Works collaboratively with psychiatrists and rehabilitation psychiatric nurses to assess the support needs and goal planning of individuals.
- Some programs require referral from mental health practitioners or health care professionals.
Lloydminster Mental Health Navigator Tool
- Mental health and addiction support tool.
- Directory of local mental health supports and counselling services.
- Strategies to help manage stress and difficult emotions.
- Practical ideas on how to build your resilience so you can cope with life’s challenges and move forward in difficult times.
- Information to grow your understanding of addiction and substance use disorders.
Saskatchewan Health Authority – Lloydminster Mental Health and Addiction
3383 43 Ave, Lloydminster, SK S9V 1Y3
- Individual and couple mental health counselling.
- Provides referral to a psychiatrist.
- Addiction counselling for individual and group-based programs.
- Child and youth Anxiety group.
- Child and youth counselling
- Parenting with Purpose program to gain information and skills.
- Community Recovery Team assists long-term mentally ill clients through provisions of long-term case management services.
- Group and individual support for adult, children, or those impacted by life losses.
- Educational Presentations on grief and life losses.
- Support clients who are navigating through their grief journey.
- Provide support to those coping through the year of first and significant days.
- Resources to build resilience, promote positive mental health and prevent addictions.
- Initiatives to build and strengthen community connections.
- Education lending library.
Safety and Security
Crisis and Emergency
310-1818 (call or text)
- 24/7 Support line for individuals who are experiencing domestic abuse.
- Family violence support.
- Safety planning resources.
- Local service and support resources.
- Available in multiple languages.
- In the event of an emergency, call 911.
Text CONNECT to 686868
- 24/7 service by phone, text, mobile app or through website.
- Counselling over the phone, including interpretation services in multiple languages.
- Peer-to-Peer Community is a collection of online support forums.
- Information and referral to local resources.
Lloydminster Interval Home Society – Family Violence Outreach Services
- Offers individual support to women impacted by family violence to empower them to understand their experience, build on their strengths, and live independent, violence free lives.
- Provides 1-on-1 support, Family Violence information, safety planning and advocacy.
- Provides support to older adults experiencing abuse of any kind.
- Provides community referrals based on needs assessment.
Lloydminster Sexual Assault Services
- Provides individual support to children, youth, adults and families who have been, directly or indirectly, impacted by sexual violence.
- Little Bear Child and Youth Advocacy Centre are programs to provide referrals, referrals, emotional and healing support to clients.
- North Ryken Enhanced Services are programs to support clients’ healing journey. These include Anger Resolution, EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping) and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Reconnection Program and Trauma-Informed Yoga.
- Police and Court Support program provides a court advocate to the client to help them navigate the judicial system.
- Provides support, information and referrals, and court support to victims of crime and traumatic events.
- Crisis intervention and traumatic events support.
- Emotional and practical support.
- Staff and volunteers are available 24/7 by RCMP callouts.
Public Safety
- Animal control issues
- Traffic and parking complaints
- Untidy premises
- Lost and found inquiries.
- To dispose of needs and sharps, visit Prairie North Plaza 4910 50 St Lloydminster, SK (north side).
- Warning: Always use caution and protect yourself when handling needles and sharps. If you find a needle in a public place, contact Bylaw Enforcement at 780-874-3710.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
RCMP Building
5106 44 St, Lloydminster, AB T9V 3M1
- For non-emergency inquiries such as theft, vandalism, etc., call 780-808-8400.
- For administration such as criminal record checks, court inquiries, etc., call 780-808-8300.
- In the event of an emergency, call 911.
Access to Recreation
Recreation Supports
- Provides financial assistance for children and youth, ages 4-19 years, to participate in art, dance, music, theatre and cultural activities.
- Saskatchewan and Alberta residents who live in Lloydminster are eligible.
- Financial assistance for children, ages 4-18 years, in registered sporting programs that are minimum 5 days in length.
- Financial and equipment assistance for children, ages 5 to 18 years, in registered sporting programs.
- Income-based program to support eligible residents to access City of Lloydminster recreation and cultural facilities at a reduced rate:
- $2 drop-in for adults (18+).
- $1 drop-in for child to youth (2-17).
- 75% off memberships.
- RAP is applicable to the following locations:
- Bioclean Aquatic Centre (2902 59 Ave).
- Lloydminster Museum + Archives (4207 44 St).
- Outdoor Pool (4713 57 Ave).
- Servus Sports Centre (5202 12 St).
Contact Us
City of Lloydminster
4420 50 Avenue, Lloydminster
AB/SK, T9V 0W2
Phone: 780-875-6184
Fax: 780-871-8345
Email: info@lloydminster.ca