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Paying Property Taxes

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Payment Options

Property taxes can be paid through online banking. A list of payee names can be found in the list below. Your account number for online banking will be your entire tax roll number. 

Find the name of the payee for your bank

Pre-authorized debit payments are arranged to pre-pay property taxes for the following year. The property taxes have to be paid off for the current year before starting a PAD Agreement. A completed PAD Agreement, along with a void cheque, may be submitted by email, fax, mail or in person at the address located on the bottom of the form. 

The PAD Agreement will remain in effect until the City of Lloydminster has received written notification from the property owner of its change or cancellation. 

To cancel your existing PAD Agreement, please fill out the Cancellation Notice.

Printable Forms

In-person payments by cash, cheque or debit card are accepted at City Hall between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding holidays.

Please note that credit card payments for property taxes are not accepted at City Hall. See how to pay with your credit card through a third-party processor below.

For after-hour payments, a mail slot is available for cheque drop off at the west entrance of City Hall on

  • Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Saturday to Sunday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Please include your roll number on the memo line and write your e-mail address on your payment slip so we can e-mail you a receipt.

Property owners can also pay their property taxes by visiting their financial institution of choice.

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