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Municipal Development Plan

The Municipal Government Act (MGA) as amended states that the Province of Alberta requires all municipalities to develop and adopt a Municipal Development Plan (MDP). The intent of the MDP is to guide growth and development within the City of Lloydminster for a 20 year span.

The MDP outlines the following:

  • Direction for the development of Area Structure Plans and Area Redevelopment Plans
  • Guidelines for the organization and implementation of the Plan
  • Directs that all other City of Lloydminster Plans align with the MDP
  • Policies for the future use of land
  • Addresses the community context and emerging trends
  • How growth will be directed to improve the quality of urban life
  • Policies for integrating transportation and land use planning
  • City's land use objectives and the policies for implementing them

The Lloydminster Charter, which was adopted in 2013, directs that Part 17 of the Municipal Government Act would be the legislation for land use planning and development in the City. The Charter gave City the power to enact Section 632(1) of the MGA to create the MDP. The MDP also provides guidance for the development of our Land Use Bylaw (LUB).

The Municipal Government Act (MGA) is the provincial legislation that enables municipal councils in Alberta to adopt an Area Structure Plan (ASP), which provides the policy framework for implementing the City's vision for the orderly development of lands. It provides policies and guidelines for the future subdivision and development of an area of raw land within the City.

Area Redevelopment Plans (ARP)

Contact Us

City of Lloydminster
4420 50 Avenue, Lloydminster
AB/SK, T9V 0W2
Phone: 780-875-6184
Fax: 780-871-8345

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