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Building Cenovus Energy Hub Together

Donation by donation, brick by brick, we are building Cenovus Energy Hub. Your investment in the future of recreation and entertainment in Lloydminster is a crucial building block to a game-changing facility where our community can dream bigger on the ice, stage, and in the seats.

By purchasing a $20 limited-edition keychain, you’re helping to build Cenovus Energy Hub, one brick at a time. All proceeds from keychain sales go directly to the Fill the Seats fundraiser to help meet our $8 million goal. In return, participating businesses in Lloydminster are offering special discounts to keychain holders.

You can purchase your Cenovus Energy Hub keychain at a participating local business listed below or from the Friends of Cenovus Energy Hub at a community event.

Your Cenovus Energy Hub Keychain 

Already purchased your keychain? Thank you for locking in your support to build Cenovus Energy Hub! With your help to Fill The Seats, we’re nearly halfway to our $8 million goal with more than $3.75 million raised.

Purchase or show your keychain at these local businesses for exclusive offers: 

Participating businesses coming soon.

Become a Participating Business

We’re looking for businesses in Lloydminster to partner with! When you join our mission to Fill The Seats, your business can make a greater impact in the community by supporting Cenovus Energy Hub while driving traffic to your business.

Participating businesses can pre-purchase keychains to sell to customers while offering keychain holders a discount on select products or services. Each business will be featured on the participating business list and will receive additional exposure on our social media.

Alternatively, businesses can make a donation to Fill The Seats and help build Cenovus Energy Hub by purchasing keychains to give to their customers as they see fit.

Contact the Friends of Cenovus Energy Hub today to become a participating business and help build the future of recreation and entertainment in Lloydminster.

Contact Us

City of Lloydminster
4420 50 Avenue, Lloydminster
AB/SK, T9V 0W2
Phone: 780-875-6184
Fax: 780-871-8345

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