Neighbourhood Rinks
The City of Lloydminster has developed ten outdoor ice surfaces that are free to use. Snow clearing and ice maintenance are completed regularly to maintain the quality of each surface. Outdoor ice surfaces are open daily for the duration of the winter season. Helmets are strongly recommended for skaters of all ages.
Lloydminster's outdoor rinks are now CLOSED for the 2024/2025 season.
Bishop Lloyd Middle School
5524 31 Street
Bud Miller All Seasons Park Lake *
2902 59 Avenue
E.S. Laird Middle School *
4808 45 Avenue
Jack Kemp Community School *
3701 47 Avenue
Ken Baker Park *
4713 57 Avenue
Queen Elizabeth School
5512 51 Avenue
Robertson Park *
5105 34 Street
St. Mary's Elementary School *
5207 42 Street
Winston Churchill Elementary School *
4402 27 Street
Servus Sports Centre
Speedskating Oval
5202 12 Street
The Den, Speedskating Oval and its inner skating surface are closed to the public weekly on Wednesdays for the Border Blades Speed Skating. Additional dates and times may vary and will be posted accordingly.
* Night lights on indicated surfaces will remain on until 10 p.m. daily.
Stormwater Retention Ponds
Residents are reminded to remain clear of stormwater retention ponds and stick to City-maintained outdoor rinks this winter. Although the water’s surface may appear frozen, continual water movement and fluctuating water levels contribute to potential dangers. The rise and fall of outdoor temperatures also create unstable ice surfaces. Ice thickness on retention ponds is not monitored except for the Bud Miller All Seasons Park lake.
If someone falls through the ice, do not attempt a rescue by going onto the ice. Call 911 immediately for help.
Contact Us
City of Lloydminster
4420 50 Avenue, Lloydminster
AB/SK, T9V 0W2
Phone: 780-875-6184
Fax: 780-871-8345