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A Moment with the Mayor: Merry Christmas

As we join in the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, it’s great to see and participate in the opportunities to spread cheer and hope to all. 

As we prepare for the celebration of the birth of Jesus, we see signs everywhere reminding us that there is shopping left to do. Some other sounds of the season are the bells for the Salvation Army Red Christmas Kettle campaign, the boxes of donations of food for Christmas hampers and the multiple collections of toys for those who might not have a Christmas without our support and sharing. The gift of giving is all around us in our community. The support of individuals and businesses provides a gift to so many in need. Our city is so generous and thoughtful. 

Please remember to check in with those around us who may be spending Christmas alone or have recently suffered the loss of a family member or close friend and need a warm and kind voice and face to help carry them through the holiday season.

The weather has been unseasonably warm and snow-free, which has given us the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors to the fullest, definitely with a different lens. For some, this may be your first brown Christmas. For many of us, the unseasonal weather happens every so often throughout our years. Speaking with our longtime residents, we should enjoy this while it lasts because we know the snow will come sooner or later. 

As we attend celebrations and gatherings this Christmas, I encourage you to have a designated driver for the ride home. Plan ahead, and please do not drink and drive. Our peace officers and RCMP completed their first check stop recently and are out in full force this holiday season to ensure everyone makes it home safely. I’d also ask everyone to refrain from publicizing the locations of check stops. 

I encourage you to take the time to enjoy the beautiful lights and decorations around the city. We’re looking forward to the annual Lloydminster Parade of Lights planned through downtown at 7 p.m. on December 21. With this beautiful weather, please plan to invite friends and family to join you for a great evening of the sights and sounds of Christmas.

This will be my last article for 2023 as we head into a break for Christmas. On behalf of my family, City Council and our team of city employees, I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I look forward to connecting with you in early January as we start an exciting 2024 for our community and the surrounding area.

Mayor Gerald S. Aalbers
City of Lloydminster

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