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A Moment with the Mayor: Is It Really Spring?

It's hard to believe March has arrived with daytime temperatures above zero. The snow piles are shrinking, and this past weekend felt warm. Signs of spring are visible—water is pooling and running down the streets, and farming friends report that hilltops are starting to show through to catch the sunshine.

Looking back to late January and much of February, it seemed as though the Arctic chill that settled over us would never leave. We were bundled up, rushing from our vehicles to stores or events, avoiding the cold. It was a long stretch, and nearly everyone I spoke with had a story to share about how cold it was. 

Fast forward to today, and south-facing lawns are starting to emerge where the sun has been working. The question on many minds: Is this the beginning of spring, or is winter taking a short break before returning? Weather patterns tend to repeat if you look back far enough. In late spring of 2011 or 2012, more than a foot of wet snow fell in a short time. No one can predict what the coming weeks will bring. March has arrived like a lamb, but will it leave like a lion? Snowfall in April and May is not uncommon in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

As for city road crews, with no snow to plow, they have shifted focus to pothole repair. The freeze-thaw cycle is causing potholes to expand. Crews are also steaming drains and clearing catch basins to help melting snow flow properly into the stormwater system.

As you can appreciate, our teams are dealing with the growing number of potholes throughout the city. If you come across one, please report its location at or call 780-874-3700. Road crews are working daily to keep streets safe and smooth. As we navigate the transition between winter and spring, please be patient and courteous around work crews. Weather conditions can change quickly, but our teams are on the job.

Mayor Gerald S. Aalbers
City of Lloydminster

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