A Moment with the Mayor: Advocating for Lloydminster
This past week was very busy with engagement opportunities with the Alberta and Saskatchewan governments.
Alberta Health Services hosted a meeting with community members to seek input into the delivery of health care services. The meeting was attended by local individuals and representatives from Bonnyville, Wainwright, Vermilion and Kitscoty, to name just a few of the communities represented. Garth Roswell and Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange spoke to the audience. Many great ideas and issues were raised, especially regarding health care delivery in our border community.
To quote a great local resident and community advocate, “Lloydminster is geographically discriminated against almost daily.” Truer words could not even be phrased better. You can share your thoughts and opinions about helping the Alberta government “build a stronger unified provincial health care system” at www.alberta.ca/shape-the-way. The current health care delivery model often does not meet the needs of Albertans, and the province wants to see it change with the help of your input.
The next opportunity I had to interact and advocate for our community took me to Regina to meet with various ministers regarding several community concerns. Policing, health care, seniors, homelessness, mental health and addictions, education and our library were all issues that I was able to meet with ministers and their staff about. The opportunity to visit the Saskatchewan Legislative Building while the house is sitting provides a glimpse into the business and governance of the province. Short meetings allow us to present our concerns to the ministers and offer solutions to the challenges we face together. I will be back in Regina for the provincial budget on March 20.
From there, we drove to Edmonton to meet with Alberta municipal leaders to discuss the challenges we’re facing with inflation and rising costs to deliver municipal services to a growing population throughout Alberta. Economic growth is key, bringing challenges and opportunities for the municipalities and the province. I had the pleasure to meet with several ministers and MLAs over the course of a day and a half. We shared challenges and possible solutions. I look forward to seeing different ministers visit our community over the summer to see first-hand the issues we have brought to their attention.
As city council, we will make sure that our issues will be raised at the upcoming SUMA convention in Regina in mid-April. As the provincial government prepares for an election in late October, our council will endeavour to elevate the needs of our community and surrounding area to the appropriate people and departments, from infrastructure funding, policing and public safety, health, education and numerous other important issues.
Mayor Gerald S. Aalbers
City of Lloydminster
Contact Us
City of Lloydminster
4420 50 Avenue, Lloydminster
AB/SK, T9V 0W2
Phone: 780-875-6184
Fax: 780-871-8345
Email: info@lloydminster.ca