Contact Us
City of Lloydminster
4420 50 Avenue, Lloydminster
AB/SK, T9V 0W2
Phone: 780-875-6184
Fax: 780-871-8345
Email: info@lloydminster.ca
Lloydminster, AB/SK – Representing 18 per cent of the eligible voters, just over 3,600 constituents voted in the civic election on Wednesday, November 13, 2024.
Lloydminster, AB/SK – Lloydminster’s eligible voters head to the polls today to vote for up to six City Councillors and up to seven board trustees for both the Lloydminster Public School Division and Lloydminster Catholic School Division.
Lloydminster, AB/SK – More than 1,600 residents voted in the byelection on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, representing 8.2 per cent of the eligible voters.
Lloydminster, AB/SK – Lloydminster’s eligible voters head to the polls today to vote for one City Councillor.
Lloydminster, AB/SK – Members of the media are reminded of the following provisions as outlined by the Lloydminster Charter and the Saskatchewan Local Government Election Act, 2015.
Lloydminster, AB/SK – Lloydminster's eligible voters will soon begin the process of electing a new city councillor. The advance poll for the February byelection is set to open in under a week's time. Advance polls provide residents with an alternative date to cast their ballot if that is more convenient. The City of Lloydminster encourages voters to cast their vote at whichever poll best fits their schedule.
Contact Us
City of Lloydminster
4420 50 Avenue, Lloydminster
AB/SK, T9V 0W2
Phone: 780-875-6184
Fax: 780-871-8345
Email: info@lloydminster.ca
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