No. The AMI upgrades do not involve replacement of meters, rather installation of a radio transmitter to existing meters. The objective of the City’s ongoing WMRP is to replace outdated water meters in Lloydminster homes and businesses. Installation of the AMI technology is required for both current and older meters to obtain water-meter readings. Approximately 500 commercial/residential meters are upgraded each year through the WMRP.
Water Meters
Water meters provided by the City of Lloydminster are factory tested and exceed the standards for accuracy set by the American Water Works Association. All water-meter-related emergencies should be directed to the Water Services department by email at or by phone at 780-875-6184 Ext. 2125.
For urgent after hours water inquiries please call 780-872-5418.
Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI)
The recent implementation of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) allows for remote reading, advanced leak detection capabilities and the collection of real-time water usage data. The AMI installations began in October, 2017 and as of March 2019, approximately 10,250 new radios have been installed on residential and commercial properties throughout the city.
The AMI technology allows the city to collect reads remotely saving time and man-power for billing purposes. The AMI upgrades do not require replacement of water meters, rather an installation of radio transmitters to existing meters.
The new AMI provided the Water Service department the ability to detect intermittent or continuous water consumption. Already, the City has identified hundreds of accounts with water leakage and worked with those residents and business owners to identify and resolve leaks that had previously went undetected.
Water Meter Replacement Program (WMRP)
The Water Meter Replacement Program replaces outdated water meters in Lloydminster homes and businesses. The City has changed out more than 2,500 water meters since 2013 as part of the Water Meter Replacement Program (WMRP). The program focuses on replacing meters between 20 to 25 years old to ensure all water usage is captured with the more accurate meters.
Checking Your Water Meter for Usage
Locate your water meter in your basement (located low to the ground, beside your shut-off valve. It will be near your hot water tank, or furnace, or behind your washer and dryer, or under basement stairs)
Check your meter face for the low flow indicator on the front. If there is no water being used in the house, but the dial is turning, that could mean water is being lost through a leak. Utilize the water shut-off valve on each appliance to find the leak.
New water meters are equipped with a digital screen. When water is flowing through the water meter, a positive (+) sign will display on the digital screen. If this occurs when no water is being used that could mean water is being lost through a leak. Utilize the water shut off valve on each appliance to find the leak.
To activate the consumption screen on the new meters, you must point a flashlight directly at the light sensor. Continually point the flashlight at the sensor bar at the top to show the screen. Once activated, the screen will show numbers, a leak indicator (tap icon on top left) and flow indicator (arrows on top right).

Frequently Asked Questions
Is the AMI Reading System upgrade related to the Water Meter Replacement Program (WMRP)?
If I have an older water meter, why does it need to be upgraded?
The typical life of a water meter is approximately 20 years. Through the WMRP, older meters are swapped for new meters, which are more accurate, reliable and aid in better leak detection. Over time, water meters can lose their accuracy and will under-register water usage. The City has determined residential meters should be replaced every 20-25 years.
Do I have to pay for the water meter?
There is no charge for replacing a residential water meter related to the Water Meter Replacement Program.
Where is my water shut-off valve located?
The water shut-off valve is located where your water service line comes into your home, which is typically located just before your water meter in your basement.
Who is responsible for maintaining the meter?
The City is responsible for any future water meter maintenance, provided you, the owner, take reasonable precaution to prevent any damage to it. As with a hydro meter, it is illegal to tamper with the water meter.
How do I know the meter reading is accurate?
The water meters are factory-tested and exceed the standards for accuracy set by the American Water Works Association.
Contact Us
City of Lloydminster
4420 50 Avenue, Lloydminster
AB/SK, T9V 0W2
Phone: 780-875-6184
Fax: 780-871-8345