The Indigenous Pre-Contact Way(s) of Correcting Disaster
With a profound background in Indigenous advocacy and research, an extensive history of creating social change through innovation and action, and a motivating storyteller of Indigenous culture, knowledge, and spirituality, the Bordering on Disaster Conference presented by Cenovus Energy is proud to present Dr. Linda ManyGuns.
Dr. ManyGuns was an assistant professor at the University of Lethbridge’s Indigenous Studies department. Dr. ManyGuns has continually released publications, created video productions, contributed to technical reports and authored audio scripts on the history of North America's Indigenous populous, the current challenges they face and initiatives for change.
Join us as we hear from Dr. ManyGuns on the intersection of Indigenous communities and emergency management practices, including pre-European contact ways that Indigenous groups managed and corrected natural hazards and disasters, what struggles exist in current emergency management practices towards indigenous communities and what information Emergency Managers must consider when planning to support the protection indigenous persons.