Neighbourhood Structure Plans
Neighbourhood Structure Plans is a non-statutory document that addresses land uses and servicing similar to an Area Structure Plan (ASP). It requires the same type of supporting information as an ASP. However, it is only to be used for parcels of land that are less than 65 hectares/160 acres (one quarter section) in size.
Neighbourhood Structure Plans provide greater details regarding the standard of design, density, services, subdivision, street names, parks, open space, playgrounds, landscaping and streetscapes for proposed development. The Outline Plan is required to conform to the overarching ASP as well as the Land Use Bylaw (LUB) and the Municipal Development Plan (MDP). In situations where an Outline Plans is required, for development to occur, it must be prepared prior to the submission of a subdivision application for that area.
The major difference between an Outline Plan and an ASP is that the ASP is a statutory plan, meaning that it must be given a public hearing and three readings by Council. The Outline Plan can be adopted by resolution of Council.
Contact Us
City of Lloydminster
4420 50 Avenue, Lloydminster
AB/SK, T9V 0W2
Phone: 780-875-6184
Fax: 780-871-8345