The City of Lloydminster actively leases land and property that is not currently required for municipal purposes. Agreements are determined in a fair and ethical manner. All property is leased at fair market value, unless otherwise passed by a Council motion.
Market Value is the probable leasing price of the property in a competitive and open market, as of a given date, and is recognized as the most understandable, transparent, and objective measure of a property’s worth.
Leasing Opportunities with the City of Lloydminster:
- Farmland (tendered on a 5-year basis)
- Bare land
- Airport Terminal Space
- Airport Hangar Bare Land
- Facility Space
- Downtown Parking Stalls
Leasing Process:
Citizens become aware of City-owned real property potentially available for lease through signage, word of mouth, expression of interest, etc.
Citizen will submit an expression of interest to lease at leasing@lloydminster.ca, with exception of Farmland Leases which are tendered on a 5-year basis.
- Internal approval process is completed:
The property is circulated through internal departments to ensure there is no current requirement for municipal needs.
A review by the Property Leasing Agent is completed to determine items such as duration, zoning, intended use, etc.
Market Valuation is conducted.Internal approval process is completed:
- Negotiations are completed and a final lease is created.
- A lease agreement may be executed which shall include all supporting documents required by the City, including but not limited to, valid Certificate of Insurance.
Contact Us
City of Lloydminster
4420 50 Avenue, Lloydminster
AB/SK, T9V 0W2
Phone: 780-875-6184
Fax: 780-871-8345
Email: info@lloydminster.ca